Gabe Perez,
Board Vice President
Term: 2022-26
Gabe Perez joined the United States Air Force in 1969 and was stationed with the 79th Air Rescue and Recovery in Vietnam. Upon returning to the United States in 1971, he was stationed with the 354 TAC Wing where he worked on B-52s and KC134 Stratotankers until 1973.
As a civilian, he worked for 5 years with United Technologies Corp. (UTC), which had military contracts to test and handle intercontinental ballistic (ICB) missiles. Gabe retired from the Santa Clara County Roads Department in December 2015.
As a civilian, he worked for 5 years at United Technologies Corp. (UTC), which had military contracts to test and handle intercontinental ballistic (ICB) missiles. He retired from the Santa Clara County Roads and Airport Department after 10 years.
Though he officially retired in 2016, rarely does a day go by that he isn’t helping someone either making needed home repairs, barbequing for an event, or helping another veteran in some way.
As a veteran, he is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 6309, where he regularly helps coordinate the weekly bingo nights and cooks for veteran functions.
Gabe has spent most of his life in Gilroy, and is a regular volunteer in the community, including at the Senior Center for food distribution. He was also a regular train conductor at the Uesugi Pumpkin Patch before it closed. He and his wife of 41 years have one child. When they aren’t spending time with family, Gabe enjoys bike riding, woodworking and baseball.